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Can the Gdynia-Kosakowo airport still be saved? - Leśny i Wspólnicy Law Firm

Can the Gdynia-Kosakowo airport still be saved?

Pursuant to a decision of the European Commission, development of the Gdynia-Kosakowo airport was withheld. This occurred immediately before the airport was scheduled to open. The European Commission demanded the return of the amount of 91 million PLN, with accrued interest, of the disputed public aid. Many people are now considering the options for recovering their investment in this development project. Leśny i Wspólnicy Law Firm presented their analysis of the decision and the objections concerning that decision to the Municipality of Kosakowo as a shareholder of Port Lotniczy Gdynia – Kosakowo Sp. z o.o. On this basis, Marcin Leśny, legal counsel, is going to file a complaint to the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. This leading case will be ultimately resolved by the courts of the European Union.