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Małgorzata Konieczka - Leśny i Wspólnicy Law Firm

Małgorzata Konieczka

Legal advisor, graduated from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poznań University of Economics – Institute of Public Finance, the Warsaw School of Economics – Transfer Pricing and Tax Management post-graduate course. She specializes in European and local government administration, tax management, and treasury management. Tax optimization consultant for local government units. She has authored several publications on the tax application practice and tax settlement optimization.


  1. “Transakcje wewnętrzne po centralizacji VAT” [Internal transactions following VAT centralization] WSPÓLNOTA no. 22/1210, 29 October 2016
  2. “Centralizacja VAT a jednostki organizacyjne gminy”  [VAT centralization vs. organizational units of a municipality] WSPÓLNOTA no. 21/1209, 15 October 2016
  3. “Proporcjonalne odliczenia podatku naliczonego” [Prorated input tax deductions] WSPÓLNOTA no. 19/1207, 17 September 2016